Kitchen Necessities: Shelf Liner for Your Cutting Board
There’s nothing more frustrating than having a cutting board go flying across the counter. It’s also not particularly safe. Knives have this funny habit of slipping and sliding with their cutting surface which could immediately put your various digits in harms way. While some new fangled cutting boards have little rubber feet to combat sliding board syndrom, I’m pretty sure none of us are going to retrofit our entire cutting board collection any time soon. Some of my favorite wood cutting boards are just that, wood, and there’s no place for rubber feet in their construction or aesthetic.
What to do? What to do?
The chefs’ trick to solve this problem is to place a damp paper towel between the cutting board and the counter, reducing friction and keeping the board right where you meant for it to be. This is all well and good until the towel dries out, which can easily happen if you’re having a marathon cooking spree. Instead I’d like to offer up the idea of non-adhseive rubber shelf liner as your cutting board stability system.
I’ve been a lover of shelf liner turned cutting board non-skid holder for several years now and after much testing in my own kitchen. I’ve found it far superior to a damp paper towel for a host of reasons including:
Shelf liners will tow the line, or hold the line really, for as long as you need it to. You won’t have to worry about it drying out and the board suddenly shooting out from under your knife at an inopportune moment.
- You can cut rolls of shelf liner to whatever size you need. I have three different sizes to work with different size cutting boards, but even a smallish piece of liner that covers about 1/2 – 2/3 of the surface of the cutting board will get you by. Heck, if you’re using the liner elsewhere in your kitchen just lop of an extra piece for your cutting board.
- Rubber shelf liner washes quickly and easily with soap and warm water so you don’t have to fret over it harboring germs from raw meat or other bacteria it might come into contact with while you’re cooking.
- You don’t have to throw it away when you are done, but instead you reuse the same piece over and over again. The ones I have now I’ve had for four years and counting. This is a much more earth-friendly option than an endless parade of damp paper towels.
- It comes in all sorts of different colors which is just plain fun.
A 10 ft. roll of liner is about $8, so it’s not pricy at all. Obviously you don’t need 10 feet of cutting board traction in your kitchen, so go in on a roll with friends or gift some to other cooks you know. Tie it up with a pretty bow for a neat conversation piece. The recipient will thank you later. And while a paper towel costs much less than $8, you’ll spend way more than that $8 on the many paper towels you use to keep your cutting board on the counter over the long haul. So in the end shelf liner saves not only your appendages but your wallet. It’s a regular kitchen hero.
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