Menu Plan Monday ~ Week of September 26

Menu Plan Monday LogoLast week I decided to move to simpler meals for our busy weeknights and I’m pretty happy with the results. Except for the couple of nights when we had unexpected events crop up, I was so much more successful getting us around our own table for dinner than I’ve been since school started. And no one complained that dinner wasnt interesting or full of new dishes.

Well duh.

I’ve always known family dinner is as much about getting family connections as it is about the food, if not more so.

This Week’s Plan

This work/school week is less hectic which is great, but we have a very full weekend on the horizon. Between community service work and a race on Sunday the weekend will fly by. I’ve planned menus accordingly and even managed to includes some time for blog recipe development.

  • Quinoa Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes from January 2011 Bon AppetiteMonday: Quinoa Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes
    Mondays are becoming pasta night and I can work with that. This recipe uses protein- and fiber-rich quinoa pasta but it tastes just like regular pasta making both adult- and kid-friendly.
  • Tuesday: At the game
    Planning to eat at the kiddo’s game last week took so much pressure off for that evening that Im planning for it again this week. I might even branch out and have a hot dog this week.
  • Wednesday: On the go while prepping for the weekend
    We are donating baked goods to the Austin Bakes for Bastrop bake sale so we need to get our packaging and labeling act together. We’ll grab dinner between craft shop visits.
  • Thursday: Rotisserie chicken, noodles with butter and fresh herbs, and roasted Brussels sprouts
    After two nights of eating away from home we’ll be ready for a dinner at home. Past history tells me though that my energy will be flagging as the week wraps up so I’ll pick up a chicken from the store downstairs to make dinner easier. The leftovers will be a key contributor to Friday’s dinner.
  • Friday: Chicken toastadas with avocado dressing and Spanish rice
    This recipe from the September Cooking Light em keeps falling off of the list because of unexpected activities. I’m really hoping to try it this week with the chicken leftover from Thursday night.
  • Saturday: Apple roasted pork chops, long grain and wild rice with pears and butternut squash, roasted carrots
    I’ve been making this recipe for years and its a family fall favorite. I’m testing a Thanksgiving side recipe as part of an easy turkey friends series for November. Can you tell I’m really ready for fall?
  • Sunday: Crockpot chicken lettuce wraps and steamed rice
    I’m running a 10k race Sunday morning as I prep for my half marathon in November. I’ll also run 5 additional miles so Im expecting to need a good long nap after thats all done. I’ll put the fixin’s for chicken wrap filling in the crock pot before my nap and dinner will cook while I sleep. I’ll triple the recipe and freeze the extras to help replenish my stash.

Filling the Freezer

I continue to rebuild my freezer stash. This week’s additions include:

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